Business Card Design

Brilliant advice in HELLO, My Name is Scott’s latest newsletter:

What are some ways to make your business cards stand out?

Recently I took about 100 business cards I’ve collected over the years and spread them out on the floor. I closed my eyes for 30 seconds, opened them and took note of which cards stood out the most. And here’s what I noticed:

  • Red: every card that had red on it stood out.
  • Picture: only a few cards had pictures of the cardholder. This not only made them stand out, but helped me connect faces with names and companies.
  • Vertical: several cards were formatted vertically, which caught my eye.
  • Black: most cards are white. The black ones REALLY stood out.
  • Image: cards with some sort of colorful image that took up at least one fourth of the total surface area captured my interest.
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