Cleaning out the cruft

As you may have heard, my latest venture failed. It was an angst-ridden time leading up to the decision to close our doors, but once it was made, life brightened considerably. No longer were we a train going down a track, sensing that the light at the end of the tunnel was actually another train. Now we were once again individual people, not co-founders, and the horizon spreads in front of us like Rocky Mountain sunrise. Or something like that. Can you tell I wasn’t an English lit major?

The freedom that comes with a wide open future is liberating (though sometimes a little scary). One of the nicest things was cleaning out my to-do list. I follow the Getting Things Done approach to task management, which means I capture all of life’s open loops on a master list and review them periodically (ideally weekly, but that’s an area where I too-often drop the ball).

This means I had a looooong list of things to do. The vast majority of them had to do with various company initiatives — sales opportunities, feature requests, bug fixes etc — and I gotta admit deleting all those tasks was like taking a breath of fresh air after being underwater for months.

I narrowed my projects list from 25 or so down to about three: close the company, sell assets and find a job. Feel free to help me out on any of those.

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