Important Announcement about the Upcoming WorldWIT Seminar

(This post is really for people who are attending my WorldWIT Blogging Teleseminar on June 29, 2005, so feel free to ignore this if you won’t make it.)

(But we’d love to see (hear?) you there if you can make it. It’s FREE! So RSVP here.)

One the things I’ll be discussing is the importance of RSS.

If you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking, “what is RSS?” That’s good, because this teleseminar will tell you more about it.

However, to get the most out of the session, I strongly recommend that you do a little work ahead of time. One of the things I’ll discuss is a piece of software known as an RSS aggregator. There are many types of aggregators, and I URGE YOU TO DOWNLOAD OR SIGN UP for one of the products below before the teleseminar.

If you are a Windows user, here are a couple of aggregators for you to consider:

  • FeedDeemon – a popular Windows aggregator
  • NewsGator for Outlook – especially useful if you’re a heavy Outlook user. Click the business solution on the right-center of the page.

NOTE: NewsGator is a sponsor of this teleseminar, so I’d appreciate your taking an extra look at them. :)

If you prefer a web-based solution, which has the advantage of not requiring you to download any software, you should try these:

  • Bloglines
  • NewsGator – NewsGator also offers a web-based solution. Just click the Consumer solution on the left-center of the page.
  • My Yahoo – If you have a My Yahoo account, you may like the way they have integrated RSS into their standard news sources.

If you’re a Macintosh user, here are a couple for you.

There are many more aggregators out there, so feel free to try many different ones. You can find a list of them at

If you’re feeling adventurous, here are a couple other links you can explore ahead of time.

And that’s it! I look forward to talking with you further on Wednesday, June 29. Feel free to contact me if you have questions in the meantime.

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