Stop the Negative Self-Talk

Good article on negative “self talk” that can affect your productivity. I used to think the whole “power of positive thinking” idea was a little hokey and unrealistic. But then one day I realized that, even if you don’t practice positive thinking, there is absolutely no value in negative thinking. And I found that if I stopped the negative thinking, life was a whole lot more enjoyable.

It doesn’t mean I go around whistling while I work and projecting a peace vibe. I just don’t let things get me down.

Here’s a tip: wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it every time you have a negative thought. After a while you’ll start to realize that you can monitor and control your thoughts, which opens up a world of possibility.

I’m serious. Try it. I did it for over six months and it made a huge difference in my life.

Update: I noticed I’m getting a lot of visitors to this page, so obviously this is something a lot of folks are thinking about. So I decided to create an anonymous survey about the topic. I will publish the results here once I reach 100 respondents. Click here to take the survey.

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