The intersection of religion and antisocial behavior

Interesting thought about religion from Jonah Goldberg, in which he writes candidly and dispassionately about his (relative lack of) faith.

And then there are some of those discomfiting facts about human groups. Taking the population of these United States, for example, the least religious major group, by ancestry, is Americans of East Asian stock. The most religious is African Americans. All the indices of dysfunction and misbehavior, however, go the other way, with Asian Americans getting into least trouble and African Americans most. What’s that all about?

I have no idea if this assertion is borne out by the facts, but it’s consistent with the well-document phenomenon of relatively little violent crime in Europe and Canada even as religiosity is much lower there as well.

Every now and then some misinformed clown writes a letter to the editor about how problems in society would be solved if (among other things) we had prayer in school. I always want to ask those people why, except for that commited by Islamists angry about cartoons, violence is so low in <a href=”″>Denmark</a> (scroll to chart at bottom).

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