More from my whack-job emailer

I don’t know why I feed the trolls. In the interest of free speech and all that, here’s her response. She lost me at “Jewish Communist.” Why not just “Soviets?” She took the rope and hung herself. The forensic evidence for the crimes of Mao and others is often very spotty – when’s the last time the Soviets invited medical examiners in to inspect the gulags? – but the eyewitness testimony, as with the Holocaust, is overwhelming.

I don’t doubt that millions of people could be murdered. And I concur with you, there is a great deal of evidence that suggests that over 20 million were killed under Mao and the Armenians by the Turks. Let’s not forget the 30 million (conservative estimate) Eastern Europeans slaughtered by the Jewish Communists. Butchers like Kagonovich, Yagota and so many others who ran the death camps and gulags.

I agree with you that there is much forensic, corroborative and substantial evidence for the aforementioned crimes against peoples but I was referring to alleged crimes committed by the National Socialists. There is zero evidence of Gas chambers at any of the German run camps. If the “holocaust” is defined as Jews being put into concentration camps where a small number died, most from natural causes, some from reprisals, and a very small amount from maltreatment, then I would agree with you, there was a “holocaust”. But don’t be surprised if many think the word “holocaust” hyperbolic to describe the events just listed.

I’ve studied this era of history too closely to believe the sickening tales ala “Schindler’s List” etc.

In my reply I suggested she join her friend Michael Hoffman in Idaho.

And thus concludes this thread. I’m done with this topic.

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